Tuesday, June 29, 2010

///Identifying an Impulsive Personality///

There are people who think things out before they do them and then there are those that act on impulse. The personalities that normally act on impulse are the ones that are more likely to get into tough situations that aren’t easy to rectify, if they can be rectified at all. There is a lot to be said from impulsive actions at times.

It leads to having a much more spontaneous lifestyle. It can also lead to some situations the impulsive person does not want to deal with. In order to gain an understanding of impulsive personalities, you must get an idea of how to identify who those people are.

Here is how to identify an impulsive personality:

Quick Answers- An impulsive personality doesn’t allow the person to think before they speak. If you ask them a question, they will answer without thinking about what you are asking. This often results in poor answers or the wrong answer. This is one of the fastest ways to identify someone with an impulsive personality.

Jumpiness/Fidgeting- These two traits is nearly a sure sign that the person you are dealing with has an impulsive personality. If someone tends to fidget a lot or jump around all the time, it shows a tendency to act on impulse. They just can’t sit still. They wiggle and pick at things because they always need to be doing something. The impulsive personality doesn’t have a lot of control over the need to do something all the time.

When Shopping- If you are shopping with an impulsive person, you will notice that they pick things up to purchase without thinking about whether they really need or can afford it. They will make excuses as to why they need it. They will justify spending the money that they need for bills in some way, but they will buy the product anyway. An impulsive shopper is easy to detect. They are the ones that have an arm full of bags of useless products.

Spontaneous- Not all people that are spontaneous are impulsive, but all impulsive people are spontaneous. They will drop what they are doing, no matter what it is to do something else. They will run out the door to do something on impulse. The difference between being spontaneous and being impulsive is that the impulsive person does it as a rule rather than as an exception to the rule.

Work- Impulsive people will work, but they may not stay on the job forever. Impulsive people will quit their job without notice or warning. They will do it if they feel wronged by the company or even by a co-worker. They will do it without thought as to whether they can pay their bills. It isn’t until they have quit their jobs that they will realize it was a mistake.

Consequences- Impulsive people know all about consequences of actions yet they will still do it. They don’t give much thought to how the entire scenario will play out. They can only see that what they are doing is the right thing for them right now. Everything is about the moment with impulsive people. There is no past and there is no future, there is only now. That is the only time that an impulsive person thinks about when making rash decisions.

If you or someone you know behaves in any of the above manners, they may have an impulsive personality. That personality can work for them at times, but it can also cause them a great deal of trouble. There are ways to get an impulsive personality under control. Acting on impulse can ruin your life in the right situation. It is time for behavior modification.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Fear and Loathing in a Modern Age : From the Annals of Psychology

First of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself—nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” These inspiring words, borrowed from scribes Henry David Thoreau and Michel de Montaigne, were spoken by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt at his first inauguration during the only era more perilous than the one we currently face.

But FDR had it easy. All he had to face was 25% unemployment and 2 million homeless Americans. We have, among other things, climate change, carcinogens, leaky breast implants, the obesity epidemic, the West Nile virus, SARS, avian/swine flu, flesh-eating disease, pedophiles, predators, herpes, satanic cults, mad cow disease, crack cocaine, and let’s not forget that paragon of Malthusian-like fatalism—terror.

In his brilliant book The Science of Fear, journalist Daniel Gardner delves into the psychology and physiology of fear and the incendiary factors that drive it, including media, advertising, government, business and our own evolutionary mold. For a parting shot of 2009, we extend the science into a personal reflection, a discussion of why, despite there never having been a better time to be alive, we are more afraid than ever, and how we can turn a more rational leaf in the year 2010.
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